Social Emotional Learning - Whole Child Framework

  • Cultivating the whole child through academic and SEL standards, allows for success beyond the classroom


    It is our belief at New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) that when strong school teams incorporate SEL into the culture of schools, students will have better academic outcomes.  Schools with supportive learning environments foster opportunities for students to take risks and learn.  District wide integration of SEL standards creates a common language across NHPS learning community.  Ensuring fidelity and consistency to SEL practices allows for all students to have an optimal learning experience through cultural variance which supports their social emotional growth. 



    5 SEL Standards  

    The Five SEL Standards (CASEL 2017)



    1. Self-Awareness
    • Have knowledge of own emotions
    • Develop an accurate and positive self-concept
    • Recognize individual strengths and external support systems


    1. Self-Management
    • Regulate emotions
    • Monitor and achieve behaviors related to school life and success


    1. Social Awareness
    • Awareness of cultural factors and respect of individual differences
    • Awareness of other people’s emotions


    1. Relationship Skills
    • Build and maintain relationships with diverse groups and individuals
    • Communicate clearly to express needs and resolve conflict


    1. Responsible Decision Making
    • Problem solve effectively
    • Maintain accountable behaviors in school, personal and community context