Teaching and Learning

  • Ms. Keisha Hannans

    Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Instruction & Assessment

    email: keisha.redd@nhboe.net


    New Haven Public Schools maintains curriculum that is purposeful, meaningful and supportive for all students at all grade levels in all subjects. For details, see specific subject areas in the pulldown menus on the left, and browse curriculum overview documents at the bottom of this page.  

    The Quality Indicators of Teaching and Learning document is designed to provide a window into an exemplary classroom utilizing the actions of teachers and students as the standard for determining high-quality instruction. The Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Curriculum Supervisors, Administrators, and Teachers collaborated to identify evidence that improves teaching and learning. Please utilize this tool as a guide to reflect on instructional practices and student engagement during observations, grade-level meetings, and professional conversations with colleagues. This document is not an exhaustive list of evidence. However, it is to be used to spark conversation, improve instructional practices, and increase student productivity. Our fundamental belief is to focus on the instructional core - the relationship between teachers, students, and content - to improve student achievement. 


    The NHPS Instructional Frameworks document provides a guide to all educators about how students learn best and how to plan lessons. 


     The new NHPS Instructional Frameworks

    What Students Will Learn

    What Students Will Learn


    Click in the appropriate box below to see a summary of what students will learn grade by grade across content areas.

  • The Common Core State Standards and NHPS Curriculum


    The Common Core State Standards are a set of learning standards designed to help students master the skills necessary to succeed in college, compete globally for the best jobs, and become our future leaders. They were developed by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) with input from teachers, parents, school administrators and educational experts nationwide.

    Connecticut adopted the Common Core State Standards in June of 2010, joining 45 other states.  All of these states now share the same clear expectations for student learning in grades kindergarten through twelve.  This allows for unprecedented collaboration between teachers, pooling of resources, and clarity about goals for student learning. In Mathematics, the Common Core State Standards include far fewer topics than previously taught so that teachers can go more in depth with important concepts.  There is a logical progression from grade to grade with an emphasis on students apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems.

    In English Language Arts, the Common Core State Standards requires that students be able to read and comprehend complex texts and read more non-fiction and informational texts than in the past.  When writing and speaking, students will have to cite evidence from the text, make arguments, and recognize different sides of arguments.  Students will develop a greater range of academic language as well: the vocabulary that helps them to comprehend a variety of texts and participate in more sophisticated discussions at all grade levels.   These skills are intended to be developed not only in ELA, but across  all the subject areas. 


    In New Haven, teachers and administrators have been working for the past three years to incorporate the necessary “shifts” in instructional practice required by the CCCS into our classrooms and curriculum.  Working in collaboration with leaders at the State Department of Education as well as our colleagues across the state and the nation, we continue to gather knowledge about best practices for implementing the CCSS in all of our classrooms.  On each of our Curriculum Department pages, you can read about how each of our subject areas are incorporating CCSS strategies into their lessons (see tabs at left).


    The Smarter Balanced Assessment for Mathematics and Language Arts is the newer test that accompanied the implementation of the Common Core State Standards .  Beginning in 2014-16, we started administering the actual Smarter Balanced Assessment to all students in grades 3-8 with the new SAT for grade 11 Mathematics and Language Arts.  To learn more about the Smarter Balanced testing in New Haven and  the Common Core State Standards, go to the  NHPS Common Core Page. 
    *Note: There is also state standardized testing for science in grades 5, 8, and 11.