Our Schools

  • New Haven Public Schools are constantly growing and developing!


    Out of the 44 New Haven Public Schools, there are:

    • 1 Early Learning Center
    • 31  PreK-8, Elementary & Middle Schools
    • 9 High Schools
    • 2 Transitional Schools/Programs
    • 1 Adult & Continuing Education Center


    NHPS is also home to the largest magnet program in Connecticut!

    • 7,325 students attend the 20 different magnet schools in our district
    • Nearly 3,000 of the students attending magnet schools are from suburban towns which means that NHPS have the highest suburban enrollment in magnet schools in Connecticut
    • An additional 7,000 students applied for the magnet program this year


    In the 2013- 14 school year, NHPS served more than 3,000 preschool children through Head Start, School Readiness and Pre-K magnet school programs!